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Nice M1 helmet cover in RDF camouflage. The cover has a few small holes see photo, but otherwise, it is in very nice condition. Contract DLA100-81-F-U862.
A conversation aid for USMC members for operations in Vietnam.
PASGT helmet foam insert. Can be adjusted for all sizes. Original packaging.
USMC WW II helmet cover. Model with cut-outs for mounting camouflage. EGA on the inside.
Unused pair of rank patches in white.
Unused UDT tape 21.
Holster for Colt 1911 pistol from less common manufacturer FINK. Perfect condition.
Original M 55 Reising submachine gun bag in Frog skin camouflage, used by Paramarines. The bag was worn when jumping under the reserve parachute, on the belt or could be attached to the leg. The bag is in very nice condition. Zipper is undamaged.
Original cartridge box for M-60 machine gun. Year of manufacture 1968.
M9A1 gas mask with bag, filter and cleaning cloths. Stock condition - including cardboard insert and wrapping paper. Size M.
Blouse with "in country" embroidered rank, name tag and US ribbon. Air Force. Perfect condition. Size Small.
Unusual uniform in Woodland camouflage. The print is smaller than the classic M81. The uniform has a green colour on the inside. Blouse size XL and trousers size Medium- Regular. Material ripstop.
Contract DLA 100-79-S-3251. According to the NSN database, the uniform was used by the USMC and Coast Guard.
HBT blouse used. The hem against gas ingress is removed. The blouse has minor abrasions but is otherwise in nice condition—size 36R.
Unused helmet cover in CCU Urban Track camouflage.
The second model of tropical uniform made of poplin. The blouse is size M-R (missing size labels) and the pants are Medium Long. Used condition. Blouse contract DSA 100-2114.
Airman's Medal - For Valor from the Vietnam War.
Bottle with packaging M1967. The bottle is dated 1966.
Gas mask case XM 28 in original packaging.
Shirt OG 107 size S. Unused condition.
Used shirt OG 107 older model. Size S.
The backpack is in foam condition, bottom part also. The medivac is modified in a more used condition see photo.
Shirt, Man's, Cotton, Sateen, OG-107, Type I. Size M.
Original waterproof case for pistol or personal belongings. Year of manufacture 1944.
Original US waterproof rifle case. Year of manufacture 1943.
Used PRC-10 radio with accessories. Set includes:
1x radio PRC-10
1x carrier
1x handset
1x short antenna
1x long antenna
1x antenna case.
Functionality not guaranteed.
Double-sided rubberized poncho. Stock condition, the poncho is still covered with a layer of powder to prevent sticking.
M1 helmet cover with mosquito net. Stock condition.
A bottle of water purifier. Year of manufacture 1967.
Special Forces shoulder patch (without arc) from the Vietnam War. Variant with a hemmed edge.
Used M1967 mag pouches for 20rnd magazines for M-16. Mag pouches are in used condition but complete with straps and a working undamaged plastic clasp.
Cover for field bottle M 1967. The prints are plastic. Stock condition. All covers are dated 1968.
Jacket for US mountain troops. Army with fur collar. The jacket has a few minor repairs and stains, but overall is in good condition.
Nice M1961 belt for USMC. Size M.
Rare USN experimental vest with ballistic or anti-shock protection and DORON plates. Size M stock condition.
This type of vest is one of the test pieces produced during WWII. While the US. Army preferred to use metal plates, the USN and USMC tested DORON material.
The material was named after Gen. G. F. Doriot, who commanded the Research and Development Branch, Office of the Quartermaster General.
Originally: €19,93
US Jungle Pack in camouflage. Nice condition. The backpack has several holes see photo. Manufacturer Hinson MFG. Co. Year of manufacture 1943.
US Jungle Pack in green. The backpack has a few minor repairs see photo.
ERDL trousers. Size M-R. The zipper is functional on the pants there are a few holes and stains. Contract DSA 100-68-C-2176.
US manual FM 23-92 for M30 mortar. Year of publication 1970.
US manual FM 23-85 for M19 mortar. Year of publication 1967. Reprint 1987
US brochure on involvement in the Vietnam War. Printed in 1967.
US Commander's Handbook. Date of publication 1966.
US officer's manual from the 50-60s.
Cover for M1943 shovel. Stock condition. This is the first model. Made by Atlas Awning. Year of manufacture 1943.
Pads for suspenders in stock condition. All made in 1945. Please specify variant in your order.
- Kroechler - all green, white stitching
- Kroechler - tan upper fabric, green inner
- Kroechler - all green, green stitching
- Decatur Tent - sand inside, green outside, sand stitching.
Survival Type III machete sheath. Year of manufacture 1970. Stock condition.
Originální příručka Ranger Medic Handbook 4th Edition - 2012.
Originální výtisk Ranger Medic Hanbook z roku 2007.
Plechovka s olejem na zbraně. Kontrakt DSA 600-75-C-1660. Obsah 8 OZ.
Left-side collar badge EGA. Badges do not have a nut.
USMC shirt with USMC Officer Candidate Course (OCC) participant designation. Very nice condition, size Medium. Contract 1973 or 1975 - stamp is harder to read. There is a name tag on white tape above the pocket and on the back. The owner's name is also printed on the inside near the collar.
USAF Coverall, Flying, Man's, Very Light K-2B flight suit in perfect condition. The jumpsuit has a unit patch and name tag on the shoulder (Withington, Nathan N. The jumpsuit is from 1966.
U.S. tank helmet from 1950s type QM1C. Stock condition. Size 7 3/4. Manufacturer Riddel.
Haversack kit with Field Pack, Canvas, Combat, (M1941 USMC). Year of manufacture 1965. Stock condition.
Trousers "THE FIRST PATTERN" HBT. Trousers are stained with oil, but otherwise in perfect condition. Size W32 x L31.
Very nice blouse "The First Pattern" HBT. Blouse made of herringbone-twill material introduced in 1941. Size 42R. The sleeves are sprayed with rank markings.
Zajímavé kalhoty ve střihu RDF. Nohavice jsou z materiálu poplin ve variantě Green Dominant. Všechny kapsy jsou pak z materiálu ripstop také ve variantě maskování Green Dominant. Pod kolenem na jedné straně je díra viz. foto. Jinak jsou kalhoty ve slušném stavu.
Nášivka 1st Battalion 11th Marines.
Nepoužitá nášivka C Troop 5/9 CAV "Predator".
Pár odznaků DUI 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne). Uvedená cena je za pár odznaků.
Velmi zajímavá a pěkná USMC blůza ve střihu RDF maskování Green dominant. Velikost Small-Regular. Nad kapsou a na zádech je jméno vlastníka na bílém podkladu z Oficers Candidate Course (OCC). Kontrakt DLA-80-C-2295.
Helmet M1 from 50s "heat stamp" MW A3. Liner CAPAC.
The second model of the M1956 system. Cases are used but in good condition. The holsters have all loops and are not "trimmed".
Original manual Communication in Infantry and Airborne Divisions FM 7-24 from 1950.
Paratrooper container for weapons and equipment - Pack, Parachutists, Weapons and Individual Equipment. Stock condition. Year of manufacture 1968.
A nice USN shirt from WW II was subsequently modified for service in Vietnam (short sleeves). The shirt was part of a 4 piece uniform for U.S. Navy ground personnel. The contract number is NXSX-84254—size 15 (approx. M).
Komplet US. Navy (Blue Dress). Jumper vel. 48R na rukávu je oblouček COMNAVFOR KOREA (Commander, US Naval Forces, Korea). Kalhoty vel. 40L. Jumper i kalhoty jsou podepsány J. D. Ford.
Shirt, Mans, Cotton Sateen, OG 107. Contract DSA-1-3113-64-C. One button is broken see photo. Small size - roughly S.
Nice Shirt Man's, Cotton Sateen, OG 107. EGA and USMC on the pocket are sprayed over the template. Original owner's name above the pocket. Contract DSA-100-609. Size 14 1/2 x 33 (approximately S-L).
Nice USMC OG 107 shirt. Size approximately M-Short. EGA and name on inside of collar are embroidered, which is typical for Okinawa. Then the name is spray painted on the back over the stencil. The size label is missing. Size is between S-M.
USN jumper used. On the shoulder is the U.S.S. Newport News arch. Hong Kong and Vietnam patches on sleeves. See photo for used condition. Functional zipper. Size approximately S.
The U.S.S. Newport News (CA-148) moved from Norfolk on 5 September 1967 for a six-month deployment to Southeast Asia. She arrived at Da Nang, South Vietnam, on 9 October 1967 and became the flagship of ComCruDesFlot 3. She participated in attacks against targets in North Vietnam as part of Operation Sea Dragon. U.S.S. Newport News subsequently became involved in combat in Vietnam in 1968 and 1972.
Interesting Shirt Sateen, Sage Green, size 15/33. The shirt was designed for the USMC, but it has dark spots on the sleeves from USAF rank removal.
Original Unused (NOS) Blood Chit South East Asia - West Central Pacific. Each copy has its serial number. Year of production 1967.
Kabát pro důstojníky USMC. Velikost odpovídá zhruba M-R. Perfektní stav.
USMC coat from WW II. The coat has rank patches and a 6th Division patch. Coat is in perfect condition. Size 2-3. Contract 1942-43.
Nepoužitá čepice Cover, Garrison, Marpat, Desert, Navy. Velikost X-Small.
Lehce použitá čepice NWU s hodností. Štítek s velikostí není čitelný. Velikost odpovídá zhruba 7 1/4.
- polní láhev (2002)
- obal LC-2
- pitítko
Originální nálepka na techniku s US vlajkou z jedné strany a instrukcemi pro překonávání vodních překážek z druhé strany.
Dva kusy originálního papírového prostírání USMC.
Noviny Army Times zabalené v původním igelitovém obalu. Datum vydání 1. května 2006. Titulní článek Go Spec Ops Now! Thousands needed for Rangers and Green Berets.
US manuál TM 10-7360-204-13 P Range outfit, field, gasoline Model M59 NSN 7360-00-082-2153.
Plechový oranizér na dokumenty US. Navy. Materiál kov.
Very nice US trousers. NAVY cut ARMY TYPE PQD 45B. Only there are a few stains on the leg, see photo. Size W34 L33. Smooth material, not HBT.
USMC Shooting Jacket z období WW II. Zachovalý stav bez většího poškození. Velikost M.
Blouse in ERDL camouflage. Colour is between Brown and Green dominant. Size S-R. One pocket has a USN marking on the other one with the name sprayed on. Very nice condition.
Perfektně zachovalá USMC Green uniforma z 50. let. Sako má klasický střih. Velikost saka 36R kalhoty 30-31. K saku je i opasek.
Lightly used USMC blouse. The rank sleeves are unbuttoned. The collar is stamped with H's name. M. Singleton. The blouse is in good condition, no damage. Smaller size approximately S (see photo for measurements).
Manuál EB-4 Personal hygiene, Veneral Disease, Field Sanitation and Fist Aid (NAVMC-7227) z roku 1953.